Here is the Manx source text I used:
The Irish translation via Intergaelic:
I trádáil d'fhéadfadh a bheith fiú cúig milliún punt sa bhliain do Manainn, tá Bree-Geayee Dong tar éis tabhairt ainm le comhaontú léasa le rialtas Mhanann, le measúnú limistéar den ghrinneall farraige, amach as cósta thoir an Oileáin.
Is céim thábhachtach ach luath sa tionscadal bhí déanta Dé luain, le neart comhchomhairle agus suirbhéanna comhshaoil fós le bheith déanta. Chomh maith leis sin, is éigean aire a thabhairt do na córais d'fhéadfadh feirm ghaoithe déanamh ar raaidyn-lhuingys agus meá iascaireachta.
Mar sin féin, má tá an limistéar cuí, d'fhéadfadh Dong tógáil céad muileann gaoithe idir sé agus dhá mhíle dhéag amach as an cósta thoir, ó Rhumsaa go háit ó thuaidh de Lacksey, taobh istigh de cagliagh-marrey an Oileán. Ag an am atá ann, ní eol dóibh cé chomh ard agus bheadh na muilte gaoithe.
Tá Dong tar éis ceangal é féin do déanamh roinnt shuirbhéanna den ghrinneall farraige, le fáil amach bheadh sé cuí dó suí tuirbíní.
Plean an chomhlacht le tógáil feirm ghaoithe ollmhór amach as cósta theas an Oileáin, An Líonra Ceilteach, bhí sé caite amach mar gheall ar staid an ghrinneall farraige sa limistéar sin.
Má gabhfaidh na pleananna ar aghaidh, d'fhéadfadh na muilte gaoithe a bheith ag obair go luath sna blianta fiche. Roimhe sin, beidh ar Dong margadh go rathúil ag mórán comhchomhairle le pobal Mhanann, agus le déanamh staidéir comhshaoil.
Benji Sykes, Leas-Uachtarán Dong de Pooar-Geayee an Ríocht Aontaithe, tá sé rá go bhfuil rudaí féachaint le bheith dearfach, ach tá obair fós le déanamh.
And the resulting English via Google Translate:
In trading could be worth five million pounds a year for the Isle of Man, Bree-Geayee Dong has been giving name to a lease agreement with the government of Man, the assessment of seabed area, from the east coast of the Island.
But an important step in the project was made early Monday, with plenty of consultation and environmental surveys still to be done. Also, is forced to care for the system could do a wind farm and weighing lhuingys raaidyn-fishing.
However, if the relevant area could build Dong windmill between six hundred and twelve thousand out of the east coast, from north to place Rhumsaa of Lacksey, within cagliagh-marrey the Island. At the time there, do not realize how high would the windmills.
Dong has been bound himself to do some surveys of the seabed, found out it would be appropriate for him to sit turbines.
The company plans to build a massive wind farm off the south coast of the island, The Celtic Network, he was worn out because of the state of the seabed in the area.
If the plans entail, the windmills could be at work in the early twenty years. Previously, Dong will successfully market many community consultation Man, and to do environmental studies.
Benji Sykes, vice president of Dong-Geayee Pooar the UK, it is said that things look to be positive, but there is still work to be done.