
Ríomhaistriúchán Gàidhlig → Béarla

(English summary: For fun, I linked up my Scottish Gaelic to Irish machine translation system with Google Translate to produce what may be the first Gàidhlig to English translator.  It's not completely terrible.)

    Chruthaigh mé foclóir dátheangach agus inneall aistriúcháin GàidhligGaeilge i mbliana (an dá rud ar fáil ar an suíomh intergaelic.com, a bhuí le Michal Měchura).  Ar son na craice, chuir mé alt randamach ó BBC Alba trí intergaelic le leagan Gaeilge a fháil, ansin an t-aschur trí Google Translate ó Ghaeilge go Béarla. Níl a fhios agam an mbeadh a leithéid seo úsáideach d'éinne; b'fhéidir go mbainfeadh foghlaimeoirí Gàidhlig (gan Gaeilge!) tairbhe as, chun brí ghinearálta atá le scéal nuachta a thuiscint. 
    Tuigim go bhfuil suim mhór ag roinnt daoine in Albain i gcóras ríomhaistriúcháin Gàidhlig↔Béarla, agus go bhfuil an cheist seo thar a bheith conspóideach (féach Do minority languages need machine translation? agus The spectre of Google Translate for Gaelic). Níor mhaith liom mo ladhar a chur isteach sa díospóireacht sin, seachas a rá go léiríonn an turgnamh beag seo cur chuige éifeachtach amháin.

Seo é an buntéacs: http://www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan/34973516

Agus an t-aistriúchán uathoibríoch, gan glanadh:

Council liked the Gaeltacht would have to save £ 20m next year.

They are now saying that there will be £ 40m - after the chancellor's
speech the week went.

They are saying that this is now an understanding that everything they
are doing to be under scrutiny of the cuts.

"The Council must save £ 40m over the next year. The huge amount of
money that," said former Chathraiche Resource Committee of Council,
Alasdair Macfhionnghain.

"It is more than £ 20m as well as our desire was.

"We need to be viewed services. This is probably a function of cutting services.

"There are proposals to close them all Council offices Friday evening,
and will probably also the closing schools. We look at things like
that too.

"Everything must be scrutinized. We need to look at education.

"We strive to maintain services," he said.

Council Tax is to be frozen, and did not put up from 2008/09, and that
it focus on budget councils.

Gaeltacht Council could rise to the condemned, both dtogróidís, but
would spend to pay 30% tax on every £ 1m would get through doing so.

"We need to go back again to the board, and have everything come under
scrutiny," said Mgr Macfhionnghain.

"We will talk with the Gaeltacht department and department of
Scotland. We need to talk and see what we have to do," he said.

Mgr Macfhionnghain said that the Council is likely to apply for the
one over there, see people from the exploitation against the will.

"At this level, we are not looking for that," he said.

"But as I said before, we must look at all.

"And the one over there, must also be viewed as the services.

"My perspective is also a group of prevention services over the should.

"We must also viewed.

"The roads, things like that, and look after our homes.

"We must look at the costs there," he said.